MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better
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Sensor technology and image recognition in production for Industry 4.0

Mitsubishi Electric and e‑F@ctory Alliance partner SICK AG have jointly developed a solution for connecting a vision camera to a controller in production in order to increase productivity through data evaluation.

Optical inspection of production steps is used in many different ways, particularly in the automotive and consumer goods industries. A simple connection of the 2D Vision Camera Inspector from SICK AG to a Mitsubishi Electric PLC controller enables practical solutions here. Function blocks make the versatile vision toolbox of the Inspector PIM60 2D vision sensor easily available to the PLC programmer and make his work as efficient as possible.
Control and use of the inspection results can thus be quickly realized together with MELSEC iQ-R or FX controllers.

The e‑F@ctory Alliance partner SICK AG offers innovative solutions in the fields of safety technology, industrial image processing and many other sensors.